Wednesday, May 6, 2020

Sample Reproduction Methods For Non-Target Screening

Non-target screening aims to obtain an overview of the sample constituents and identifies all the eligible peaks in the sample. The soil samples contaminated by electroplating wastewater usually contain a large amount of organic pollutants with high matrix interferences (Zhao 2013). In order to choose an effective sample extraction method, three commonly used extraction methods including accelerated solvent extraction (ASE), Soxhlet extraction, and microwave-assisted extraction (MAE) (Wang 2007, Rodriguez-Solana 2015, and Jurado-Sanchez 2013) have been compared based on the previous reports. Among these methods, ASE provides the best extraction efficiency for extracting most semi-volatile organic compounds in soil samples with short†¦show more content†¦Stock solutions were prepared in isooctane, and then diluted into seven concentration levels, from 1 to 500  µg/L. The stock solution was kept at -18  °C until use. The internal standard solution with a concentration of 100 ÃŽ ¼g/L was diluted from an Internal Standard Mix purchased from AccuStandard (New Haven, Connecticut, USA) and used to determine the concentration of target compounds by calculating the response factor, noting that the selected internal standards were stable and similar to the analytes and would not interfere with the sample components. The surrogate standard solution was prepared at 10 mg/L for nitrobenzene-d5 and p-terphenyl-d14 for performing the quality control function, since its recovery rate was used to evaluate the efficiency of the analytical method. The organic solvents, of analytical grade, were purchased from JK scientific LTD (Beijing, China). Sample information and Sample Preparation In this study, three soil samples were chosen for the analysis and explanation of the whole workflow. Two soil samples were collected from a leaching basin (Boxing, Shandong Province, China), surrounded by two small electroplating factories and polluted by electroplating wastewater. Sample #1 and Sample #2 were taken from the top layer soil (0–20 cm) and middle layer soil (20–50 cm) of the leaching basin bottom using a soilShow MoreRelatedNon Clinical Studies : The Discovery Of A New Drug Without Involving Human Subjects1798 Words   |  8 PagesNon clinical Studies for Biologic The discovery of a new drug without involving human subjects is called as non clinical studies. 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